Giant squid

美 [ˈdʒaɪənt skwɪd]英 [ˈdʒaɪənt skwɪd]
  • 网络巨型乌贼;巨型鱿鱼;大王乌贼;巨乌贼;大王鱿鱼
Giant squidGiant squid
  1. It was not until 2004 that the first images of a live giant squid were taken .


  2. Measuring around 33 feet , the largest giant squid ever found truly was a giant weighing nearly 2000 pounds and measuring 59 feet in length .


  3. People have seen giant squid attacking whales for food .


  4. Many whales , turtles and giant squid also rely on this zone for their food .


  5. Sperm whales and giant squid may be mortal enemies .


  6. Scientists Find Giant Squid


  7. They also recovered one of the giant squid 's two longest tentacles , which severed during its struggle .


  8. Scientists and broadcasters say they have captured video images of a giant squid in its natural habitat for the first time .


  9. To plastinate a mature sperm whale , known to have a taste for giant squid .


  10. In the 1960s , some Russian sailors reported watching a fight between a whale and a giant squid .


  11. A giant squid is heading back to New Zealand , after being " stuffed " with silicone and preserved for posterity .


  12. And I thought , Until I can feel as ecstatic about having a baby as I felt about going to New Zealand to search for a giant squid , I cannot have a baby .


  13. The sperm whale is one the greatest predators of the giant squid but with their giant eyes , giant squids have an early warning of the approach of their massive predators .


  14. Little is known about the giant squid but it is possible that when given the chance , they will kill and eat small whales , implying that those massive tentacles must be very strong .


  15. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were tickling the tentacles of a giant squid , which was basking in the warm shallows .


  16. Giant squid are thought to grow as large as 13 meters ( 43 feet ) long . They typically inhabit deep waters , and it is unclear why this one wandered into the bay .


  17. Many stories of deadly battles between these two massive animals exist , and sperm whales have even been seen with suction cup-shaped wounds and remnants of giant squid in their stomachs .


  18. And I thought , " Until I can feel as ecstatic about having a baby as I felt about going to New Zealand to search for a giant squid , I cannot have a baby . "


  19. One of the only creatures longer than the imagined giant squid is the lion 's mane jellyfish , whose tentacles can reach120 feet long . This is longer than the average body of a blue whale !


  20. Yet even their enemies marvel at the tuskarr 's prowess and fearlessness in catching some of the most dangerous creatures in Northrend 's frigid waters , including whales and giant squid .


  21. This was the exact joy my own face had radiated last spring , the day I discovered that the magazine I worked for was going to send me on assignment to New Zealand , to write an article about the search for giant squid .


  22. Moses Harvey . The giant squid ( genus : Architeuthis ) , can grow to up to 43 feet ( 13 meters ) in length , and weigh as much as a ton ( 907 kilograms ) .


  23. It isn 't every day that a mystery from the deep swims into plain sight . But on Christmas Eve , spectators on a pier in Toyama Bay in central Japan were treated to a rare sighting of a giant squid .
